Discipline: Is Yelling The New Spanking?

I have a very active 2 year old son, and those of you who have met him know exactly the level of energy he has. I will admit I yell at him at times, and I notice he yells at me or at his imaginary friends while playing. I get embarrassed when he does that because I realize he is only mimicking me.

 Gavin Taylor at Chucky Cheese over the Summer

I've tried getting at eye level and talking to him calmly, I've tried time outs, I've tried spankings and he still does not behave the way I think he should. He gives his dad a little less problem, but nerveless he still has issues with him to when it comes to listening. I refer to him as a selective listener, because he listens when he want to.

It's so hard not to get frustrated at a child that you know is smart and understands exactly what you say, but chooses to do what he want to do. The Bible says "Spare the rod, spoil the child" and “Train him up the way he should be taught" but society says otherwise, so what is a parent to do? I recently came across this video on CNN, and posted it because I want to know what other parents think about discipline methods especially what is appropriate for a 2 ½ yr old.

Is Yelling The New Spanking Discussion on CNN


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