The Romance Challenge Day 2

Hopefully You have read Rekindling the love and The Romance Challenge. If not please take some time to do so otherwise this post will seem out of place.

Remember all of these tips are not meant to end in the bed, but they will definitely enhance your current relationship and love making experiences with your mate. Some of the tips will have to be done multiple times, but in the end you will start reconnecting more and will take each other for granted less. Enjoy!

Tips 4-6
Out with the old: In with the new- undies included. Toss your worn undies and pj’s out it’s time to go by some sexier replacements. Men are visual creatures and women applaud effort.

Reading Rainbow: Read an erotic book by yourself then on later that night read your favorite passage with your mate.

Affection Overload: Don’t just save your long kisses, sexy hugs and touching for the bedroom, express these feelings throughout the day.

See You Tomorrow for tips 7-9.


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